October 15, 2007

The little man.

My roommates son is nine. He's a very bright kid, with a quick wit and a smart mouth. He always wants to be in the middle of everything.

Any time Pammy and I are in the middle of a conversation, the little man will come in and say "What?" If she's on the phone, he'll come in and ask who it is. He's a busybody, and he doesn't miss a thing.

I really should start keeping a record of some of the funny stuff he says, just because it cracks me up, and also because I can never remember it later.

Today was a mad rush of errands after work. I had to pick Pammy up right away, and we had to pick the little man up by six. My truck overheated (you're supposed to put water in that big empty jug that says "engine coolant"? Who knew?)

After the truck cooled down, with the assistance of two nice guys that didn't speak a word of English, we headed over to Cox, who will soon be our new telephone and internet provider. "Cox Communications" is one of the biggest companies in Oklahoma City. This evening, it was the butt of joke after joke between Pammy and I.

We were cracking each other up in the parking lot pointing out the "old Cox" customer, and the "Young and hot Cox customer". The little man kept asking us "What's so funny?" but we could only laugh more. Finally he said we were being stupid and to just shut up. We did our level best to stop, but damn it was difficult.

After she was done with Cox (hehe), the three of us went out to eat. It was a rare treat, to sit down and eat on (styrofoam) plates with real(plastic) silverware. A few tables over from where we were sitting were four of Oklahoma City's finest. Four uniformed police officers, having dinner together.

Of course Pam and I couldn't drop the Cox jokes, and I asked her if she thought they were familiar with "Cox communications." The little man said that was enough with the Cox jokes, that he didn't get it, and it wasn't funny. I said "It's over your head."

A short time later he looked over at them and turned to his mom and said "Look at all their big guns." which sent Pam and I into fits of giggles. The little man apparently decided that we were going to be easy targets for his juvenile attempts at humor, and said "Look at their handcuffs." Pam started laughing and made some crack about "Bring those cuffs over here and lock me up, I've been bad."

The little man looked at me, and looked at her and said "Okay, that one hit in the middle." (He was letting us know that her last comment hadn't gone over his head.) We both died laughing, and then he said we were embarassing him by laughing so loud in public.

Oh man. Good times. I know, it doesn't translate well in writing, but seriously, you had to be there. ;)


jktty at 11:05 p.m.

Before | After