September 22, 2007

100 Things

100 Things you probably never wanted to know about me.

    1. I'm 33 years old.
    2. I was born about 4 miles from where I currently reside.
    3. I have tried to move away from Oklahoma at least 7 times and always end up being pulled back 'home.'
    4. I was married once. For 6 years.
    5. I don't know if I'll ever get married again.
    6. I have three children.
    7. I haven't seen my kids since 2003 and I don't expect to see them in the foreseeable future.
    8. For the same reason I don't expect to see my kids, I also don't expect to see my mother or any other member of her family.
    9. I have a dysfunctional family.
    10. I'm okay with that.
    11. My parents divorced before my second birthday.
    12. I have had two stepfathers and two stepmothers.
    13. Family used to be vitally important to me, but I have learned that sometimes it's better to be on your own.
    14. I seriously dislike pretentious, judgemental, and narrow-minded people.
    15. I am, officially, the black sheep of my family.
    16. I spent two years in "gifted" classes while I lived with my father and was attending private school.
    17. Upon my return to public schools I was just another kid, and never pushed myself to be anything better.
    18. I had boyfriends while other girls were still convinced boys had cooties.
    19. I lost my virginity the same year I got my drivers license.
    20. I was 20.
    21. I was 21 years old when I got married.
    22. I think 25 is a much better age to make decisions like when to get married and when to start a family.
    23. I have a tendency to become involved with men who are jealous, controlling and angry.
    24. Domestic violence is not a concept I am unfamiliar with.
    25. I find it easy to forgive.
    26. Forgetting, for me, is almost impossible.
    27. I like to consider myself optimistic.
    28. I have a deep loathing for my physical form.
    29. Pregnancy and childbirth did horrible things to my body.
    30. I once weighed 250 pounds.
    31. I wasn't pregnant.
    32. I once went from 250 pounds to 160 pounds in a matter of six months.
    33. Even at my lowest weight I still hated my body.
    34. I have posted semi-nude pictures of my body on the internet.
    35. Anyone could see those pictures if they just googled one six-word phrase.
    36. It fills me with terror and dread to think of someone I know seeing those pictures, but they are there to document a certain time in my life, and I refuse to take them down.
    37. I am addicted to eating ice.
    38. I think Jell-O, Peeps, and Pepto-Bismol are probably three of the most disgusting things that man ever made.
    39. I don't think God actually intended for us to eat squid and octopus, but since He's not around for me to ask, the rest of you fools can eat them to your hearts content.
    40. I'm allergic to milk.
    41. My father and his father were both preachers at one point in their lives.
    42. I used to think I would grow up to be a missionary.
    43. Choices I have made in my life now lead me to believe I would not do well in any form of ministry.
    44. If pot was legalized in the US tomorrow, I would probably stay high all the time.
    45. I don't smoke pot now.
    46. I am a procrastinator.
    47. I am almost always late.
    48. I am honest to a fault.
    49. I find it very difficult, almost impossible even, to lie to people I love.
    50. I don't have the same problem with lying to strangers, employers, or co-workers.
    51. I take antidepressants, and without them I don't recognize myself.
    52. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure when my age still ended with the word "teen".
    53. I wasn't diagnosed with a heart defect until after my third child was born.
    54. My mother worked for a cardiologist for 5 years when I was a child.
    55. I grew out of my hypochondria after I got pregnant the first time.
    56. I have kissed a girl.
    57. More than once.
    58. I liked it a lot.
    59. My father would probably disown me if he knew some of the things I have done.
    60. I have a bit of social phobia.
    61. If I am alone in a large crowd, I like to close my eyes and pretend I am at home in bed.
    62. If I am with friends in a large crowd, I tend to be the loud one telling funny stories so that people don't know how shy I really am.
    63. Some of my friends don't believe I'm shy at all.
    64. My best friend says I'm a freak and that she wishes she had known me before I got so "messed up."
    65. I love her for that.
    66. It means that I was normal once.
    67. I have always dated men who have some emotional or physical blemish.
    68. I am attracted to personalities, not looks.
    69. I am currently in love with someone who I would say is one of the most "normal" people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.
    70. We have never met face to face.
    71. I am fully convinced that as soon as we meet our relationship will cease to exist.
    72. I'm not sure what that says about my faith in men.
    73. I am often blinded by love.
    74. I usually see the good in people long before I see the bad in them.
    75. I hate the words creamy, savor, and callow.
    76. I love the words acquiesce, lackadaisical, whimsical and parasol.
    77. I have been addicted to the www since 1994.
    78. I got my first computer in 1998.
    79. If there were a rehab for internet junkies, I wouldn't go.
    80. I started my first blog in 2003.
    81. Jktty is my sixth blog, and my third on d-land.
    82. I am unnaturally scared of spiders.
    83. I am scared of the dark.
    84. I suffer from migraine headaches.
    85. I also suffer from vertigo.
    86. The headaches aren't funny at all, but the vertigo is quite comical.
    87. I grew up to believe that
    a. Men are superior to women.
    b. Baptists are superior to Catholics.
    c. Republicans are superior to Democrats.
    d. You don't question authority.
    88. I don't believe any of those things now.
    89. I was arrested once and spent 8 hours in jail.
    90. I smoked for ten years and quit in 2001.
    91. I started smoking again last month.
    92. I'm not sure why, although I prefer to blame everyone else for it.
    93. I am very organized at work, and moderately cluttered at home.
    94. I have lost everything I owned, twice.
    95. I'm sure it's better that way because, frankly, who needs to hold on to things they fingerpainted in kindergarten or love letters they got in third grade?
    96. I think fall is my favorite time of year.
    97. I love the written word, and reading and writing are two of my passions.
    98. I am rather indecisive, and seeing as I have made so many poor choices in my like, I am not very good at making the right choice.
    99. I have a difficult time saying no.
    100. I get my feelings hurt easily.
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    jktty at 7:15 p.m.

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