August 17, 2007

Friday Feast Number 3

It's time for the Friday's Feast!

Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day?
I try to do laundry twice a week. I'm not anal about many things, but I am a religious laundry sorter.


After everything is sorted I tend to start with the bigger loads first, just to get them out of the way. I always wash whites last because I use bleach with them and I don't want to run the risk of bleaching something that doesn't need bleaching. ;)

On a related note, I absolutely hate to iron and do my very best to never buy clothes that need ironing. Downy� Wrinkle Releaser� ;) was made with me in mind.

In your opinion, what age will you be when you�ll consider yourself to truly be old?
Oh that's tricky because the older I get the younger older people seem. In my teens 30 sounded really old. At 33, I suppose 50 something sounds pretty old. I'll go with retirement age...65.

What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both?
To go back to college and finish earning my degree. I'd say it's a medium-term goal.

Main Course
Name something unbelievable you�ve seen or read lately.
Paul Newman was born four years before the Great Depression! He's old as dirt and he's still cute. I mean, it's not like he's "OMG" or anything, but grandpa is still with it.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today?
9. I'd be a 10 if I wasn't a fretful dork, but I'm cool with 9. Nine is good.



jktty at 7:41 p.m.

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