September 14, 2006

When I prove that I'm a little unusual.

Yesterday was my first payday post-raise. This is a raise that He doesn't know about, and that will help me be able to save money faster than I would have otherwise. See, He thinks He knows exactly how much money I make. Since I never told Him about this raise, He has no idea that I'll be making about 10% more a week than I was making. So, the difference between what He thinks I'm making and what I'm actually making will go into savings, and will eventually help me move.

I don't think I've ever mentioned here that until a couple of weeks ago we shared a bank account. Brilliant, I know, for me to deposit my checks into an account that He has a debit card to. It was the cause of so many fights, and a lot of bitterness on my part. I have never had so much trouble keeping a check register before...but how could I, when He wasn't keeping track of ANYTHING! many times can one man go to 7-eleven and Sonic in one week?

Anyway, so now I have a new bank account (sans His name on it), and a raise that He doesn't know about. These are like little steps towards freedom. It may be months down the road, but I'm getting there.

Yesterday I was chatting with a buddy of mine. He's young but mature, married, women-wise, and funny as hell. We were talking about dating post-breakups, and about relationships in general. I mentioned that it's going to be tough for me to find a man later, because I'm going to be very picky. I said "It's going to be tough to find a man that goes to church and is into a little bit of BDSM, too." He said "No it's not, you need to look into the Catholic church. Some of the freakiest people I know are catholics." Then he said "You probably wouldn't find any Baptists like that" (or something along those lines) which made me crack up because...I'm a Baptist! Who's better than a fire-and-brimstone punishment-and-death spare-the rod spoil-the-child Baptist to think spanking and bondage are hot?

I only know one Catholic, and I know she likes sex (2.3 kids)...but no mention of BDSM. So I'm thinking that Catholic thing is probably just a fallacy. (I heart u, L.) Wow, awkward moment there, lets change the subject.

I jumped on the tongue-scraping bandwagon yesterday. According to the science, scraping nasty-smelling bacteria off of your tongue several times a day can reduce halitosis by up to 80%. Now, I have to say that nobody has ever said "Hey, you have seriously bad breath!" but, if the taste in my mouth is any indication of the smell coming from it, it's time to scrape that shit off! So I bought the little scraper, and I scraped, and my breath still smelled the same to me. (It's not fair that we can't smell our own breath, it's one of those nasty little tricks that nature play on us.) I'm going to keep scraping though, and brushing, and flossing, and the whole mouthwash thing, too. yAy for Oral Hygeine.

On that note, I think this entry has slipped into the "odd and unusual" category, so I'm done. Maybe tomorrow I'll have some normal things to talk about.


jktty at 4:45 p.m.

Before | After