September 12, 2006

When I talk about my list.

"He can flip pancakes in the air. He'll be marvelously kind. And his favorite shape will be a star. And he'll have one green eye and one blue."
-Young Sally Owens -Practical Magic

I know it's just a movie. I don't even believe in witchcraft (in the way they use it in that movie, anyway.) I know, I know, but I really love that line in the movie.

I'm not going to be casting any Amas Veritas spells, or wishing for a man with one green eye and one blue, but it gave me an idea.

When I'm finally single again, I will need to learn to be picky. I won't date a guy just because he thinks I'm cute. I won't date a guy just because he knows how to mix a Titanic. I won't date a guy just because he likes the movie The Bourne Identity. I certainly won't date a guy just because he looks nice in blue.

Before I married my ex husband, I had a list. Honestly, this is what my list consited of:
1- He must be over 6' tall.
2- He must be over 200 lbs.
3- He must love his mother.
4- He must love Jesus Christ.

That's it. Not too picky, maybe a little too short, definately odd. I didn't feel like I was asking for too much, and my ex fit those characteristics, or he claimed to.

Nowadays, my list would include things like:
5. He must not have women-hating-issues.
6. He must be honest, to a fault.
7. He must be semi-intelligent, preferably at least as smart as I am.
8. He must not have a violent temper.
9. He must not be jealous, bossy, demanding, mean, and a little crazy.
10. He must not say things like: "I'm so mad I just want to hit somebody!"
11. He must like cats.

Ok, now that my list is written, I don't think I'm ready to even think about dating. I don't want to be one of those girlfriends that believes everything her guy says is a lie, just because her ex was a liar. Or, one of those girls who flinches every time her guy points and says "Look at that!"

It was a nice thought for a few minutes, to think about being happy with someone else. I know that someday I will be in a positive relationship.

Someday, after a lot of therapy.


jktty at 4:20 p.m.

Before | After