August 28, 2006

When I talk about beginnings, and fear.

Wasn't I just saying last week that I am always reaching out for new connections? I made one today that was a little unexpected. Fascinating, intelligent, articulate, witty, honest, kind and extremely compassionate. Dare I say sweet?

One should not discuss these things so quickly, words have a way of coming back to bite you on the backside.

I needed to start with something positive, though, because this was another horrible weekend. One of the worst in recent memory.

It's amazing to me how His slightest physical reaction to situations just terrifies me, and makes me feel 8 years old again. The urge to lock myself into the bathroom is strong, but even that would not bring safety, He has already broken the doorframe during a previous "event."

Home should feel safe, the place you go to for comfort. Home should not be a war zone. One should not dread having to go home, or having to spend time there.

I won't be there forever. I can't.


jktty at 4:10 p.m.

Before | After