August 22, 2006

When I talk about friends online.

Having friends online is a fascinating experience. You meet people from all over the world, all walks of life, all ages, races and nationalities, all political offiliations and all religions. You may have absolutely nothing in common, or you may find a kindred soul. It's always interesting, often a gamble, frequently exciting, and sometimes painful.

I've been chatting with and meeting people online since 1998. I've met some marvelous people, and some people I would rather forget. I've made quite a few friends, gotten into quite a few debates, fallen into cliques, fallen in love, and even had my heart broken.

Sometimes it's easier to communicate with friends online than with people that you see face to face. The time it takes you to type your words gives you time to better formulate your thoughts and ideas, and you stand less of a chance of embarassing yourself by saying something in the heat of the moment that you may regret later.

The friends I've made online are my friends for life. I may never see them face to face, but my heart knows their hearts.

I have a soul sister that I adore, her friendship to me has kept me going on days when I might have otherwise given up. I have a man that I once loved, who once broke my heart, and who is now someone that I trust completely. Then there are the friends I talk to online that are also friends in "real" life.

Then...I keep reaching. It's as if my lonely spirit just keeps grasping for connection. I enjoy the "surface chat", it's a nice diversion...but I crave the deeper connection, and understanding.

On the days when I want to strangle Him, I blunt the anger with the world online. I can't see that I will ever want to stop. Not any time in the forseeable future anyway.


jktty at 2:21 p.m.

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