October 09, 2007

Ten on Tuesday Number 3.

Well, while the Ten on Tuesday blog is down, she suggested we write a top ten list of our own. So, I'll write the top ten things that people might not know about me (and may not care to know.) ;)

    1. I was a twin. The other twin died in-utero, likely at about 24 weeks gestation, and was stillborn.

    2. I was kidnapped by a well-meaning family member when I was two years old and was kept from my mother for three months before the court ordered me returned.

    3. I almost drowned when I was a baby. The story was told to me so many times that I grew up scared of the water. I didn't learn to properly swim until well into my twenties.

    4. When I am startled, spooked, or extremely stressed out, I tend to have a slight sttttutter. ;)

    5. The first man I ever loved that wasn't a family member was my grandfathers best friend. I was six years old and he was in his fifties. I went so far as to ask him if his wife ever died if he would let me be his new wife.

    6. In 10th grade my best friend and I developed an entirely new alphabet made up of symbols so that we could send encoded messages to each other, and if the notes were intercepted nobody would know what they said.

    7. I had a two year long, long-distance relationship with someone I met at a family reunion.

    8. I used to have a phobia about wire hangers that had absolutely nothing to do with the movie Mommy Dearest.

    9. I once had an affair with a married man. (Okay, maybe more than once, but blame it on the man I mentioned in number 5, he's the one that started the whole "married man" thing!)

    10. I have a fear of being left or abandoned, and if I feel that one of those things is about to happen, I have a tendency to say "fuck you" and leave first, and never acknowledge that it was likely the other persons idea in the first place.

Okay, I know I already did a 100 things about me list...but these are things I rarely mention, and sometimes never discuss at all. Hope the ToT blog is back next week!


jktty at 7:30 p.m.

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