September 13, 2007

When I talk about my new template.

I was getting seriously bored with my old template. It was sleepy and didn't inspire creativity at all.

After I finished my story I really felt like I needed a change. I started by going to a couple of template sites, but I'm so picky that I just decided I needed to make my own. I borrowed a template at pink design and decided I would tweak the code into something more me. I just had to find an image to start with.

I started at google images with search words like secrets and whispers but I really didn't find anything I liked. Then I went over to flickr and quickly realized there was gonna be way too much to look at. I finally went over to deviantart and found a couple of images I liked.

I just totally fell in love with this one by fallsmet. It seems to really go along with the whole idea, at least my idea, of blogging. We write to share our story.

I wanted to go about things the right way, so I sent her an email asking if it would be okay if I used her image for a template for my blog. After I didn't hear from her after a really long time (okay, it was just five hours, but it seemed like an eternity), I decided I should start looking elsewhere.

I clicked over to explodingdog and searched his archives until I found another image that I really liked. I checked his FAQ to make sure it was okay to use the image (you can, as long as you credit him), so then I started working on the code. I worked for probably two hours until I was satisfied with the result, and just as I was finishing up I got an email back from fallsmet!

She was excited I liked her image, said I could use it as long as I credited her, and that my story was moving. Well, after that, I couldn't keep the explodingdog template I had worked so hard on. The color theme of her image was pretty much the same as the other one, so I knew it wouldn't be too much trouble to change it.

Finally, after I got the template changed, I was able to sit back and feel like I had accomplished something. I added my hit counter and then started fussing with haloscan. Do they have any idea how confusing their directions are for adding comments to diaryland?? Holy shit that was a nightmare. For future reference, don't even bother using their directions. Go directly to the forum, find the thread about diaryland, and follow the directions there that are posted by other d-landers.

So, at long last I've got comments, and I've got a template I really like. I know it's simple, but I love the colors and did I mention I really love the image? Thank you SO MUCH Miss. Fallsmet. :)

I'm not sure if it was all the time I spent in front of my computer last night, or just my body telling me how much I suck, but I woke up with a migraine this morning. I called my boss at 7:30 to tell him I'd try to be in later, with some nonsensical explanation that I would shoot for 10:30 or 11:00.

When I woke up at 10:45 my head was still hurting like hell, so I decided I'd 'shoot for' noon. Joshua texted me just after noon, and I was still in pain. I went back to sleep and finally when I woke up just after 1:00, the pressue in my head had let up enough that I thought I should try and take a shower and go in.

The first 45 minutes at the office were awful, but 1000mg of Tylenol, (after the 800mg of Ibuprofen) set things right, and I made it through until 5:00.

I'm starting to think that I might need to talk to my doctor about the frequency of my migraines. I've had five of them in the last three months, and that is just too often for me. Yeah, they aren't as severe as they used to be...I haven't felt the need to rush off to the emergency room to have my head surgically removed...but they are still migraines, and I can't take them.

Anyway, it's almost Friday, which means it's almost the weekend, which means I survived another week. Yay for weekends, and sleeping in.

I'm getting the itch to cut my hair. It's pretty much reached my shoulders now, which is the longest it's been in a year. I even let my bangs grow out, and maybe that's the source of my hair frustrations. Maybe I should go see Machel and get her expert opinion. Of course, since she gets paid to cut hair, if she tells me "Yes, cut bangs." it will mean money in her pocket. Hopefully she'll give me her expert opinion instead of thinking about her paycheck.

Best idea ever: Oreo Cakesters.

Yes, they took the Oreo stuff and put it between two little pieces of cake. I'm quite certain that this was an idea thought up by people who were tired of eating Oreo cookies only to be left with the chocolate cookie bits stuck between their teeth. Nabisco solved the little Oreo smile problem, and made yet another snack that I must taste once and then ignore.

Okay, twice.


jktty at 11:30 p.m.

Before | After