August 03, 2007

Friday Feast Number 1

I thought that since I NEVER blog here anymore I'd try something new and start doing the Friday's Feast. At least this way I'll be forced to write here at least once a week, right?

So, for Friday's Feast #154 (which is #1 for me.)

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you?

I think I'd have to say I'm about a 9. I have my moments where I'm a little less than polite, but overall I am just pretty damned nice.

What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

When the warehouse manager was making fun of a job applicant who refused to answer the question on his application about his legal right to work in the US and mysteriously "lost" his social security card.

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Is, was, and always will be Casper.

Main Course
Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had.

Mrs. Matlock, hands down. Tenth grade. The lady was loony. She made...sounds. She talked to her cats, and said they talked back. Hell, the lady even "spoke" cat. Pure comedy.

Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that ______________________.

There is someone for everyone. It might take you your whole life to find them, but we all have an "almost perfect" mate out there.

Nice. Have a nice weekend.


jktty at 3:10 p.m.

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