October 23, 2006

When I write a poem about foolish goodbyes.

Foolishly hoping
and waiting
not knowing.
The promise of yesterday,
The clouds of tomorrow
overshadow today.
Joy mixed with sorrow,
and love with pain.
Questions that linger
unanswered forever
No answer is suiting
-no logic applies.
The tears come
with bittersweet smiles.
Heart praying forgiveness
head praying forget.
Fresh as the morning
and new as each day
How can I take it
and lock it away?
I'll hold it and keep it
and carry alone
what good am I
-without it?
Trailing off...
...fading into the blue
it's senseless really,
me without you?
No, I'll take my pieces
and the pieces of you
and wrap them up tightly
and hold on forever.

When goodbye is on your lips
I'll show you my smile
and a fond farewell
but quickly please
this dam won't hold forever.


jktty at 11:25 a.m.

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