September 08, 2006

When I complain about Haloscan.

Someday Haloscan and I will be friends. We will learn to speak each others language, and we will love each other. I'll buy Haloscan a drink, and we'll watch a movie together, and I'll share my popcorn.

Right now, though. I hate Haloscan.

For fucks sake, it should not be this difficult to add a little snippet of code into my template and have comments here! And the directions for how to "install" comments into diaryland? You've got to be kidding, right? Did they even LOOK at dland?

So someday I will have comments, not just notes. Somefuckingday.

(Can I just say fuck again? I only said it 2 times and 3 would really emphasize that I'm frustrated. Gah!)


jktty at 9:00 a.m.

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