August 9, 2006

When we went out.

Today I tried to do something nice for Him. When I got off work, I asked if He would like to go to dinner. He grumbled a bit, then relented, and I did not understand the reason for his behavior.

We sat together, facing each other. As I looked at him, a thought formed in my mind. I'm not in love with him any more. I suppose I haven't been for a while.

How can I? He is one of the cruelest people I know. He has hurt me in more ways than I can even name.

I swore this would never happen again. Why I came back to him is beyond my comprehension.

For love? For security? For stability? For companionship?

Oh, how I despise being alone. But this life with him, it is a far worse fate than a solitary existence.

He is not The One.


jktty at 4:08 p.m.

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