August 7, 2006

When I visited my family.

Over the weekend I traveled out of state to see my family. This included a visit with the grandmother who has alzheimers. What a horrible, rotten disease. She is being erased. Actually, she is still right there, but everything in her past is being erased.

She sits, watching television, a blank stare on her face. If you speak to her, she doesn't brighten up with the look of someone who is ready to talk, she looks at you, annoyed..."Yes?"

This is not the woman I remember. That woman has been gone for at least two years, never to return.

I should be grateful that she remembers me still, but instead, I grieve for the lost memories, and for the beautiful young girl that grew up and slipped away into the gloaming.


jktty at 3:05 p.m.

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