September 10, 2007

When I don't get enough sleep.

I'm truly sorry that I can't be Miss Suzy Sunshine 24/7. I realize that I'm generally a happy person, pretty laid back and easy to get along with, but fuck, can I have a bad day?

I'm tired. I'm cranky. I'm emotional. If you call it hormones I'm likely to stab you in the eye with a fork. It's NOT hormones.

It's my bad day. Everyone has them. Seriously. It's not abnormal. I had drama today, self-imposed drama last night, and I didn't get nearly enough sleep.

Did I mention I'm tired? Like, I bet I'll be asleep before 11 tonight. That tired.

If you call me grouchy or grumpy or hateful...I might throw things. I said might. I mean seriously, what's the odds? But still.

Give me my blanket. Give me my pillow. Give me my cat. Turn the lights off. STFU.

Probably in that order.

Or STFU first, then the rest is optional.

Thank you.


jktty at 9:15 p.m.

Before | After